Nespresso Colombia Organic

Nespresso Colombia coffee is a coffee that comes from a new region, Tolima, Colombia.

kawa Nespresso Colombia

In high mountain terrain, the sight of a ripe red coffee cherry against the background of dark green leaves is as breathtaking as one sip of the coffee made from these fruits. In addition to its creamy texture, Colombia Organic stands out for its tempting taste of roasted cereals, which harmonize with the classic red fruit note of this terroir. Growers in the Tolima region grow their coffee according to organic practices, taking care of their land and coffee harvests for future generations.

Intensity: 6
Cup capacity: 110 ml
Main aromatic notes: roasted grains
Bitterness: *
Sourness: ***
Roasting: *
Body: *


In the shade of trees and under the cover of clouds, small growers living near the national parks of the Tolima region take care of Arabica with the greatest care. The volcanoes of the Andes cast more than just their shadow over Colombia’s coffee plantations. They deposit nutrients in the soil and create a specific soil structure that favors healthier coffee plants, ultimately resulting in a more varied coffee flavor. The growers cultivate the unique Arabica that is found in Colombia Organic in accordance with the laws of nature. This strong, well-organized community and farmers, proud of their craftsmanship, are eager to reach out for support to further develop their quality and sustainability practices.

In the same vein, Nespresso aims to move towards a regenerative agriculture model. We believe that regenerative agriculture can contribute to improving the livelihoods of farmers by supporting them as guardians of nature. These organic coffees are an important piece of evidence for this journey.

This single origin coffee is roasted using the separate roasting technique. The first part is a lighter roast and covers most of the grains. The second part, smaller in volume, is roasted harder to add intensity and complexity to the final composition.

Aromatic profile:
Roasted grains.


PRO capsules of roasted and ground coffee for the Nespresso system.
Coffee sold in packs of 50 and 30 pcs.

Net weight (for 50 capsules): 300 g.
Made in Switzerland.

Roasted and ground coffee